Link together at least two bubbles of the same value to merge them into new bubble with double value. Maximize your score by using powerful boosters and climb up the leaderboard. Can you do 2048, 4096 or even more?
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itemtype='' itemscope='itemscope' class="post-template-default single single-post postid-5234 single-format-standard wp-custom-logo theme-astra woocommerce-no-js ehf-footer ehf-template-astra ehf-stylesheet-astra woolentor_current_theme_astra ast-desktop ast-narrow-container ast-separate-container ast-no-sidebar astra-4.8.0 group-blog ast-blog-single-style-1 ast-single-post ast-inherit-site-logo-transparent ast-hfb-header woolentor-empty-cart ast-normal-title-enabled elementor-default elementor-kit-6355"> Skip to contentLink together at least two bubbles of the same value to merge them into new bubble with double value. Maximize your score by using powerful boosters and climb up the leaderboard. Can you do 2048, 4096 or even more?