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Alphabet Merge Runner

Evolution Merge games that you like! Monsters from all over the universe are alive! Drag and combine letter monsters in the mutant fighting simulator. Play and explore Alphabet Letras workshop and adventure games! Monsters from other universes have joined the alphabet kitchen to fight in evolution games! Play in 3D as one of your favorite characters from the collection:✨ Letters of the alphabet from A to Z. Evil A, Amazing A or C. They’re all here!✨ A sick person. Henry Stickman is here too!✨ The head of the siren monster. The legend is the same as Slenderman and Rack! Choose sirenhead and smash the enemies!✨ Hagi-Wagi monster. Drag Hagi Wagi onto another to increase his strength.✨Scary train Choo Choo Charlie. Team up and fight with other mutant monster letters✨Monster red scary impostor with a lizard mouth✨Train Choo Choo Charlie. Team up and fight with other Alphabet Lord letters✨Blue rainbow friends with a crown on their head

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