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Babel Tower

You are building the Tower of Babel, that will reach to the sky!You have a team of professionals: miners, masons, crafters, lumberjacks, builders, who will help you achieve success in this incremental idle game.New fun machines are unlocked with every tower floor.The game was made by Airapport and expands our idle games universe. ControlsPress-and-hold on the screen to mine stone, transfer stone to processing, speed up bricks creation, chop trees, and perform other activities.Sell part of your resources at the Market to gain money for upgrades. At certain upgrade level the building works by itself, you will be spectating and having fun.Restarting your tower building gives you Golden Bricks, which boost your tap power, production and increase market prices.If you are away you are earning time bonus, which can be used to speed up game processes.Buy special artifacts to boost your progress even further.

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