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BAPBAP is a spectacular multiplayer battle royale with cartoon-style graphics. You will be able to play with many different heroes, with unique gameplay and skills. Choose your favorite character and get rdy to battle in the heart of an arena whose playing surface will shrink over time. Use your skills to eliminate your opponents and try to be the last surviving player to win the game. Easy to learn but difficult to master, BapBap offers gameplay rich in possibilities and an infinite progression curve. Learn to master each hero and know every corner of the map to gain the advantage over your enemies. You will also be able to obtain equipment to increase your power and steal equipment from defeated enemies. Inspired by games such as Battlerite Royale, BapBap is simple and intuitive to play, we have fun from the first game! features:- An intense and competitive battle royale mode- 10 different Heroes, each with unique skills- A ranking of the best online players- You can play in team, up to three players

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